Thursday, October 17, 2013

games Two learn

I liked tu play the billing games and the mesenger and natural desasters from tne out of spase and sabing humaniti the biling makes me learn how tow handele te buling and first is tow tell the prisiball and second get suspended den gets expeled den gets send tow hail for the under 18.

Monday, September 30, 2013

the brawne caper and polluson blasters and srimp callege tey wore cand of funand the oune is browne caper. is fun because y am like a ditectibe and polluson blasters is because its sabing the water from poluson.and the game ofmixind some ingridients tu make someting new.

Friday, September 27, 2013

we can help the Eatrh by cleareng the bech and luse the old pones more and tat tey donot produse tumuch new electronics and tu plan alot of good ways tu help the earth sow in the futre is a good plase of earth.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

what is tech trash?it is elctronics gering elft bi a noter new fone apers.How it this trash negative affect the environment?because the companes are llosing ter factoris tu recicle.3,:by not making to much new electronics.4by not trowig ter old electranics away.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

In my last shool year y felt freedom because y dirent get much work and dress code is black and white ten  the  shool  was easy because not much whork done ther was a lot of distracsons on the old midle y went and  the shool y went pefore is Gus garsia.

Monday, September 23, 2013

the thigs I like of globaloria

I plan to understand, analyze,and create some games. And understand,the tings,and the hope that I wold make a great game rating.!Uno de los mejores !esta maestra es buena con computadoras. And this program  rocks.